Unravel and explore the beautiful and breathtaking sceneries of Serbia, enjoy the most delicious cuisines our Balkan has to offer, and try out your skills in paintball, ziplining, wall-climbing while enjoying many nature strolls through the captivating forests of Zlatibor. You will enjoy the amazing things our wonderful Balkan has to offer, and with our hospitality, you will feel like you are at home!
Our journey starts in Niš, the center of the southeast region of Serbia and one of the oldest cities in the Balkan. Take a step through history by visiting major monuments, such as Čegat and Skull Tower, explore the customs and old ways of Serbia in the old Ethnic Village of Sirogojno, and breathe in the fresh air while enjoying the view from Zlatibor mountain and Niška Banja. Try out your skills in paintball and wall-climbing and flavor in the cuisine from our world-famous - Kafana! Enjoy the music, the atmosphere, and great parties while relaxing near the Riverside! Prepare for the daunting and exciting tale and mystery of the Devil's Town near Niš and get a glimpse of this world's famous unique monument!
Explore and enjoy the Balkan customs and culture and have fun in the city that never sleeps! Let's try to find the treaSUre within our beautiful region together and create beautiful memories together!
Optional programme: Visits to Devil's town, The Skull Tower, Kafana, and the Petting Zoo ''Zoo Planet''.
Participants who don't choose the optional program will be taking a stroll through Nis and exploring the city in more detail, visiting the local arcade and the newly open Cine-Grand Movie Theaters with state of the art motion capture and laser technology, wine tasting, and enjoying the Arts and Crafts section at the Dormitory Hall
Theme: Take a step through time in the amazing Ethno Village of Sirogojno, explore our many amazing historical monuments, such as the Skull Tower and Čegar, and dine-in our delicious cuisine in Kafanas! Hike and enjoy the breathtaking Zlatibor mountain and the parks in Niška Banja! Take a look at the magnificent Bubanj Monument and explore the mysterious Devil's Town, full of excitement and nature! Accomodation: Dormitory and Zlatibor Mountain Resort. Video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUSLn0akJM4. 🌐 https://www.aegeenis.org.rs
Wann 🕕︎Montag, 26. Juli 2021 um 06:00 - Sonntag, 08. August um 23:00 MESZ
🌐︎ Ort Niš φ43.32268 λ21.89598
URL https://my.aegee.eu/summeruniversity/Balkan-TreaSUre
Veranstalter AEGEE-Niš, sucourse.nis@gmail.com
Kategorien: Local culture und SU
Erstellt am Sonntag, 14. Februar 2021 um 17:52:22 MEZ
Letzte Änderung am Sonntag, 18. Juli 2021 um 14:48:47 MESZ
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