Out of Blue: Istanbul

Think of a city which eveything happens unexpectedly! 🎆
Imagine a city where you can watch the Bosporus from from the Galata Tower for a moment,  and the next you may find yourself in front of one of the most magneficent historical places in the world. 🏺  While you may be looking for an ancient artifacts from Byzantium times and suddenly you may lose yourself in the colorful "Night life of Istanbul". 🍻 You may be sipping your Turkish coffee besides the Bosporus that connects two continents. 🌉While on your way to a monument from the Greek era, you may decide to take a breather in the colorful streets of Balat? Do you want to rediscover and experience different culture? 🧿 Would you like to roam through the streets that blends the history with modernism perfectly? If you are ready to jump into capital of diversity, hit the apply and let Istanbul take you in! 🌇
Optional programme: Topkapı Palace, Turkish Bath
Theme: We wanted to show our participants the unexpected enthusiasm and hustle and bustle of Istanbul, and that each street leads to a different history, another cultural heritage, by sticking to our event title. Istanbul is the center of diversity, and we aimed to make our participants feel this diversity throughout the event. On this journey, we will try to make you feel the warmth of blue while seeing historical places on the streets of Istanbul at the same time. While feeling the warmest color of blue in the Blue Mosque, we aim to swim in the cool waters of the turquoise Bosphorus. Istanbul, which encompasses many different cultural heritages and spontaneities, can fascinate the participants with everything being colorful and always dynamic at once. Accomodation: Hostel, Camping.

Wann 🕚︎Montag, 25. Juli 2022 um 11:00 - Donnerstag, 04. August um 11:00 MESZ

🌐︎ Ort İstanbul φ41.03443 λ28.97954

URL https://my.aegee.eu/summeruniversity/out-of-blue-istanbul

Veranstalter AEGEE-Istanbul, summeruniversity@aegeeistanbul.org

Kategorien: Local culture und SU

Erstellt am Freitag, 11. Februar 2022 um 20:37:23 MEZ

Letzte Änderung am Montag, 04. Juli 2022 um 20:39:06 MESZ

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