YOU(th) can change the world!

The world is a dynamic place full of changes and opportunities. However, we should stop for a moment, observe and analyze how important our impact can be on the society in which we live. Have you ever wondered how your habits affect the environment in which you live? Or how can a simple word or gesture change a person's day? Dare to answer these questions by participating with 19 other young people passionate about what happens to the world around them in a summer adventure in which sustainability, inclusivity, and political activism are the main topics.

This event is co-financed by the European Youth Forum as part of the SAIL Project as a Pilot Summer University
Theme: Our dilemma is that we live in a finite world, but behave as if it were inexhaustible. We have to move towards a sustainable, supportive and inclusive society, even if there is not a magic wand to solve it, we should act together by making small steps. It is important that now more and more people tackle individual behavioral changes, but these will only become effective together. Accomodation: Student Dorms or Hostel. 🌐

Wann 🕖︎Montag, 18. Juli 2022 um 07:00 - Dienstag, 26. Juli um 22:55 MESZ

🌐︎ Ort Bucharest φ45.69845 λ25.61147


Veranstalter AEGEE-Bucureşti

Kategorien: SU und Sustainability

Erstellt am Freitag, 11. Februar 2022 um 22:50:25 MEZ

Letzte Änderung am Dienstag, 09. Mai 2023 um 12:31:27 MESZ

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