RTC Ankara Silver Anniversary, Golden Course

AEGEE-Ankara is celebrating its silver anniversary with an astonishing event. "Silver Anniversary, Golden Course" is the event to share and learn! Join us while learning how to manage a project, how to think strategically and come up with original project ideas. Don’t miss this great opportunity to improve your team-building skills, boost your knowledge about FR, Crisis Management and make your project a real one! Moreover, get the chance to experience Ankara, one of the great crossroads of ancient civilizations. Prepare to feel the Anatolian spirit and celebrate our 25th birthday with us!

✅3 Meals per day
✅City Tour
✅Strategic Thinking Training
✅Fund Raising and Interview Simulations
✅Learn how to write Project Documents
✅Teamwork Improvement Workshops
✅Crisis Management Simulations
✅Financial Management Workshops
✅Social Programmes

🗓 When: 16-19 April
📍 Where: Ankara, TURKEY
💰Fee: 35€

Кога 🕗︎четвъртък, 16 април 2020 г., 08:00 ч. - неделя, 19 април, 13:00 ч. Гринуич+2

Състояние отказан

Интернет адрес https://my.aegee.eu/events/rtc-ankara-silver-anniversary-golden-course

Категория: Training

Въведено: понеделник, 24 февруари 2020 г., 22:21:40 ч. Гринуич+1

Последна промяна: петък, 17 април 2020 г., 22:01:54 ч. Гринуич+2

Връзка към календара https://cal.aegee.org/?d=2020-04-16&id=e947872a-224b-4c84-8d25-90a541a9ec6-102&cal=0

💾︎iCalendar файл https://cal.aegee.org/c/0/e947872a-224b-4c84-8d25-90a541a9ec6-102.ics

Календар  OMS