NWM Zagreb: Where the magic begins!

Dear AEGEEans,

After such a long time, the wait is finally over and we proudly present to you our long awaited live NWM! 🎉To celebrate this miracle, we invite you to join us in Zagreb just in time to experience it’s magic before the most wonderful time of the year! ✨
Join Baldria Network Meeting Zagreb to get inspired, to meet your fellow AEGEEans, and to experience the real AEGEE spirit once again!

During the NWM, there will be numerous interesting sessions specially tailored to your needs.
The main topics that will be covered are:

🔸 HR management

🔸 recruitment of new members

🔸 fundraising

🔸 sharing best practices

However, there will be more than enough time to get to know new people and expand  your network!

So, do you think you can handle our magical Zagreb? Are you as eager to attend a live event again as much as we are? Or do you just really want to broaden your knowledge on these topics? If so, apply for NWM Zagreb: Where the magic begins! 🤩

📌Save the date:

📅 When: 9.-12.12.2021.

🌐 Where: Zagreb, Croatia

💰 Price: €59

🤩 Participants: 35

⏳  Deadline to apply: 10.11.2021.

🤗 We are looking forward to your applications!

When 🕒︎Thursday, December 09, 2021 at 15:00 - Sunday, December 12 at 14:00 GMT+1

URL https://my.aegee.eu/events/nwm-zagreb-where-the-magic-begins

Category: Network meeting

Created on Friday, October 08, 2021 at 09:33:32 GMT+2

Last modified on Friday, October 08, 2021 at 09:38:26 GMT+2

Link to calendar https://cal.aegee.org/?d=2021-12-09&id=e947872a-224b-4c84-8d25-90a541a9ec6-148&cal=0

💾︎iCalendar file https://cal.aegee.org/c/0/e947872a-224b-4c84-8d25-90a541a9ec6-148.ics

Calendar  OMS