How we survived 30 Estonian winters?

💌 Dear friend! 💌

I invite you to our 30th birthday celebration!🥳 After 30 years of winter, I’ll show you how we have managed to live such a prosperous life and take you on a 5-day trip down memory lane. We can reminisce about exciting stories about mascots & members and also discover many aspects of Tartu and the cool Estonia in the process.🔥

We’ll have a party like every other Estonian, with a sauna, folk dance, rich talks about culture, nature, and many other things that need to be seen and done. Be ready for a cultural explosion as we leave behind our roaring 20s and enter into the world of being 30. Can’t wait to see you here! Until then, have the best.🎉

With love,


mascot of AEGEE-Tartu

🎁Exchange dates don’t fit your calendar?🧐

You can still join us for the big 🎉PARTY🎉 on the 5th of October! If you can't come to the whole exchange just write to us and will do our best to host you or help you find the cheapest hostels. The ticket for the party is a symbolic 10€ for people outside exchange. So dust your favorite cocktail dress & tie and come and enjoy the beautiful city of Tartu with us!🎂

🎁List of exchange activities:
- Sauna night
- Tartu City Tour
- Language WS
- Pub Crawl
- Cocktail WS
- Estonian history & culture WS
- Impro WS
- Folk Dance WS
- European night!
- Estonian food WS
- And of course the Birthday Party!!!✨

🎁More information will be disclosed on the incoming link below.👇
Optional programme: AHHAA Science Center

Wann 🕚︎Donnerstag, 03. Oktober 2024 um 11:00 - Montag, 07. Oktober um 11:00 MESZ

🌐︎ Ort Tartu φ58.3802 λ26.72248


Veranstalter AEGEE-Tartu

Kategorie: Cultural

Erstellt am Freitag, 12. Juli 2024 um 21:44:11 MESZ

Letzte Änderung am Dienstag, 27. August 2024 um 13:03:10 MESZ

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