European School Budapest: Training New Leaders 2024

🌟 Ready to become the next generation of leaders? 🌟

In today’s competitive job market, mastering both soft and hard skills is essential for success. With globalisation opening up international career paths, leadership has become a key competence for young people. This Training New Leaders event is your opportunity to discover more about yourself as a leader and improve the skills that will shape your future career.

For one impactful weekend, you will be guided through improving your organisational and leadership skills, while giving you a deeper understanding of AEGEE at the European level.

Our mission? To help you strengthen your leadership and organisational abilities so that by the end of the event, you will:
- Have developed a professional leader mindset;
- Have honed soft skills essential for leading teams, projects, and tasks—whether online or offline;
- Have learned to fit your work and personal life together;
- Have started your professional and personal growth journey, especially in a leadership context; and
- Have expanded your network with like-minded future leaders who share your drive and ambitions.

If you are looking to get more involved in the European dimension of AEGEE, take on a leadership position, or join a European Body, this event is for you!

📅 So Join us in Budapest from the 14 till the 17th of November for the European Training Course: Training New Leaders, and prepare yourself to take on any leadership challenge that comes your way! And don’t miss the chance to explore Budapest through an exciting social programme.

Wann 🕛︎Donnerstag, 14. November 2024 um 12:00 - Sonntag, 17. November um 20:00 MEZ

🌐︎ Ort Budapest φ47.52568 λ19.04594


Veranstalter AEGEE-Budapest

Kategorie: Training

Erstellt am Donnerstag, 03. Oktober 2024 um 22:08:33 MESZ

Letzte Änderung am Samstag, 02. November 2024 um 10:59:07 MEZ

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