WU "Dancing In The Snow Light In Gudauri"

AEGEE-Tbilisi has honor to invite you to the exciting Winter University " Dancing In The Snow Light In Gudauri" from 7th February - to 14th February.
Spend your holidays in Georgian high snowy mountains, feel the smell of skiing from high sloping down trace. Let the ski resort (Gudauri) take you somewhere endlessly white world full of adrenaline and extreme.

Apart from 7 skiing days you will have opportunity to visit the capital of Georgia for one day. Walk under the ancient architectural buildings, experience historic Sulfur Bathes of Tbilisi and taste world famous Georgian wine with traditional cuisine.

AEGEE-Tbilisi is more than happy to create  an unforgettable adventure for you.

Do it now and join AEGEE-Tbilisi for magic days full of AEGEE spirit.

Wann 🕘︎Freitag, 07. Februar 2020 um 09:00 - Freitag, 14. Februar um 09:00 MEZ

🌐︎ Ort Gudauri φ42.49674 λ44.48563

URL https://my.aegee.eu/events/dancing-in-the-snow-light-in-gudauri

Veranstalter AEGEE-Tbilisi

Kategorie: Conference

Erstellt am Mittwoch, 27. November 2019 um 14:31:17 MEZ

Letzte Änderung am Montag, 30. Dezember 2019 um 22:07:33 MEZ

Verknüpfung zum Kalender https://cal.aegee.org/?d=2020-02-07&id=e947872a-224b-4c84-8d25-90a541a9ec6-67&cal=0

💾︎iCalendar Datei https://cal.aegee.org/c/0/e947872a-224b-4c84-8d25-90a541a9ec6-67.ics

Kalender  OMS