Dear AEGEEans,
We are pleased to introduce you to the event you all have been dying for…🎺🎺
AEGEE-A Coruña and the Network Commission will bring light to your life in the amazing Costa da Morte, one of the most famous places in Galicia. This place is in the middle between the two most iconic lighthouses in the region, Torre de Hércules and Fisterra (the end of the world).
It’s said that “No one is a stranger in Galicia” and we will welcome you with open arms in the cozy coast village of Cabana de Bergantiños, one minute away from the beach and with a very galician surroundings. You can walk along the seaside or just hang out and relax (during the free time) in front of the sea. A very peaceful and quiet place, ideal for the sessions, resting and enjoying all the event.
Somewhere over the lighthouse... our thematic will be a mix of cultural and LGTBIQ+ activities, which will be present overall in our social program. We wanted to keep raising awareness about the importance of cultural exchange and the current problem with the equity regarding sexual identities and gender.
Take a look at the MAIN DETAILS of the event:
☀️ WHAT: Network Meeting, one of the most important AEGEE events where locals join together and share their knowledge and best practices. It’s time to improve our Network! 💪
☀️ WHEN 📆: 9th April - 12th April 2020
☀️ WHERE📌: A Cabana de Bergantiños, A Coruña, Spain
☀️ FEE💲 : 50€
And what is it INCLUDED during your stay?
- Accomodation with beds and heating
- All meals included, from Thursday’s dinner to Sunday’s lunch 🍏
- Activities and workshops
- (An amazing) social programme 👫👯🎉
- Lots of crazy surprises by yours truly, AEGEE-A Coruña! 😏💘
Via myAEGEE platform:
⏰ DEADLINE OPEN CALL → 23rd of February 2020
[❗] Don’t forget to send your applications in ENGLISH
When 🕛︎Thursday, April 09, 2020 at 12:00 - Sunday, April 12 at 12:00 GMT+2
Status Cancelled
🌐︎ Location Cabana de Bergantiños φ43.21939 λ-8.9318
Category: Network meeting
Created on Wednesday, January 29, 2020 at 12:00:18 GMT+1
Last modified on Friday, April 17, 2020 at 22:02:44 GMT+2
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