The Agora will take place online on 4th of December 2022. The main purpose of this assembly will be the voting on the Network Status Update which as result of the motion was not done during the Autumn Agora.
Due to the fact that an Online Agora has certain capacity we need to adapt to, and the limitations arising from the use of an online conference tool, applications are open only for delegates and envoys. This means that unfortunately, observers and visitors will not be attending the Agora directly this time.
Applications are open until the 15th of November, 23:59 CET. Local Boards will have until 17th of November, 23:59 CET to validate the applications of their members. Booklet folder: .
Wann 🕘︎Sonntag, 04. Dezember 2022 um 09:00 - 20:00 MEZ
Kategorie: Agora
Erstellt am Freitag, 28. Oktober 2022 um 17:55:13 MESZ
Letzte Änderung am Sonntag, 20. November 2022 um 21:17:22 MEZ
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