Spring Agora București 2019

This AGORA is organized by AEGEE București in cooperation with AEGEE-Europe. It will take place between 08.05.2019 and 13.05.2018. The application opens on 01.02.2019 and will close on 07.03.2019. Local boards have until 14.03.2019 to approve the applications of their members and assign a participant type.
If you have any questions about the event, please contact the application responsible of AEGEE-București: Violeta Vasile (info.agorabucuresti@aegee.eu). For questions about the application itself, please contact the Chair Team at chair@aegee.org.

Wann 🕛︎Mittwoch, 08. Mai 2019 um 12:00 - Montag, 13. Mai um 12:00 MESZ

URL https://my.aegee.eu/statutory/spring-agora-bucurești-2019

Kategorie: Agora

Erstellt am Mittwoch, 23. Januar 2019 um 19:52:50 MEZ

Letzte Änderung am Donnerstag, 20. Juni 2019 um 18:30:06 MESZ

Verknüpfung zum Kalender https://cal.aegee.org/?d=2019-05-08&id=e947872a-224b-4c84-8d25-90a541a9ec7-6&cal=0

💾︎iCalendar Datei https://cal.aegee.org/c/0/e947872a-224b-4c84-8d25-90a541a9ec7-6.ics

Kalender  OMS