- Prytanium II-A: Activity Report of CD55
- Prytanium II-B: 1. Regulating the number of visitors at the Agora, 2. AEGEE Partner Associations to send envoys at Agorae
- Prytanium II-C: 1. Stop discrimination based on Nationality in AEGEE- Europe, 2. Covering Data Processing Agreements with locals collectively
- Progress Meeting II-D: Go Big or Go Home: Network Enlargement Strategy
- Progress Meeting II-E:Antenna Criteria Project
- Workshop II-F: Why European Parliament: from basic to advanced knowledge
Wann 🕔︎Mittwoch, 03. Oktober 2018 um 17:15 - 18:45 MESZ
Erstellt am Freitag, 21. September 2018 um 09:20:11 MESZ
Letzte Änderung am Freitag, 21. Mai 2021 um 19:05:41 MESZ
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