CD61 Open Office Hours

The office hours provide you with a dedicated time to connect with CD members, ask questions, discuss matters, and engage in fruitful conversations.

Whether you have queries about AEGEE’s initiatives, discussions about ongoing projects, or simply want to share your thoughts, our virtual doors are open to you! We believe that your insights and ideas are invaluable to the growth of our organization.

Office hours schedule:
•10th of November - Aleksandra
•14th of November - Ariane
•22nd of November - Augustin
•30th of November - Lena

Your input matters to us, and we look forward to productive discussions that will shape the path forward for AEGEE.

We hope to see you there!

Wann 🕓︎Freitag, 10. November 2023 um 16:00 - 18:00 MEZ

Wiederholungen Dienstag, 14. November um 16:00, Mittwoch, 22. November um 16:00 und Donnerstag, 30. November um 16:00

Letzte Änderung am Mittwoch, 08. November 2023 um 10:15:13 MEZ

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