Almost all events and tasks from are synchronised now to the Telegram channels and Both channels are handled identically.
Postings on Telegram with a WHEN-line are about events. Postings for tasks can have a DUE-line. For demonstration some tasks will be published to AEGEE-EVENT-L and the aforementioned channels in short. Pictures in events and tasks are posted to Telegram, when the description of the event/task is shorter than 1025 characters.
The events from the past were just injected in the channels in arbitrary order.
Antenna birthdays and automatically generated tasks about “Application Deadline”s are not posted to Telegram and not sent to AEGEE-EVENT-L.
When Tuesday, January 04, 2022
Organizer Дилян Палаузов
Created on Thursday, December 30, 2021 at 20:24:22 GMT+1
Last modified on Tuesday, January 04, 2022 at 17:47:39 GMT+1
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