Progress Meeting: HR You Ready? Transforming AEGEE's Member Journey

Get ready to dive into the exciting world of AEGEE’s new HR strategy! As the Human Resources Committee (HRC) of AEGEE-Europe, we are on a mission to streamline HR management, empower local groups and European Bodies in member activation and development, and enhance the quality of learning and training within the organisation. Our goal is to foster maximum engagement and development at every stage of your AEGEE journey—from newbie to alumnus.

The HR strategy we are crafting is designed to empower members by helping them do it, want to do it and have the opportunity to do it. In this interactive session, we will share our progress on improving HR management within AEGEE and discuss how we aim to boost engagement and development across the Network. 

Together, we will explore your perspectives, evaluate current HR practices, and identify
the key skills AEGEE members gain throughout their journey. Your input will be invaluable in shaping the final strategy, which is set to launch at Spring Agora Bilbao

Join us as we evaluate our current practices, explore member skills, and conduct a SWOT analysis of our HR management. Together, we can create an HR strategy that ensures every member thrives!

Join here:

Wann 🕑︎Sonntag, 03. November 2024 um 14:00 - 15:30 MEZ

Erstellt am Mittwoch, 30. Oktober 2024 um 12:29:37 MEZ

Letzte Änderung am Mittwoch, 30. Oktober 2024 um 12:43:42 MEZ

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