🎓Event PRomotion must have Skills

Are you thinking of organising an event and you want to promote it effectively? Do you want to develop your event promotion skills and be a mighty PR responsible?

If so, join this session in order to learn how to build the image of your project and communicate it to your audience!

Do not drop this chance to learn how to launch your local's event PRomotion!!!

Deadline to apply: 22.07.2020 at 18:00 CEST
Do not miss this opportunity!
Apply HERE: https://forms.gle/81Qe5B7A7C5RjocB8

Wann 🕕︎Donnerstag, 23. Juli 2020 um 18:00 - 20:00 MESZ

Erstellt am Montag, 20. Juli 2020 um 14:49:25 MESZ

Letzte Änderung am Montag, 20. Juli 2020 um 14:56:08 MESZ

Verknüpfung zum Kalender https://cal.aegee.org/?d=2020-07-23&id=a24fcc37bcb0147ced71a262a3807cd6044863b960afeb490db8092e6555d632b&cal=2

💾︎iCalendar Datei https://cal.aegee.org/c/2/24fcc37bcb0147ced71a262a3807cd6044863b960afeb490db8092e6555d632b.ics

Kalender  Quarantine Events