Eurovision Night by Comité Directeur

<h4>Dear Boomerang people</h4>
Did you know that Comité Directeur 58 loves Eurovision? They do! That's also why they are inviting you all to join Eurovision Night!

Eurovision Night will take place on on Discord, find the Discord link here [⠀ ]

This your chance for to have a nostalgic and memorable night with other AEGEEans!

P.S. Feel free to dress up

Wann 🕗︎Samstag, 08. Mai 2021 um 20:00 - 22:00 MESZ

Erstellt am Samstag, 08. Mai 2021 um 12:43:13 MESZ

Letzte Änderung am Samstag, 08. Mai 2021 um 12:43:13 MESZ

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