AEGEE Cross-Over Antenna Quiz Nights

Hosted by AEGEE-Mannheim [ ], AEGEE-Chişinău [ ],  AEGEE-Budapest [ ]  and AEGEE-Lviv [ ]

🖖Heeeeello guyzzzzzz!

One more week of lingering at home office, one more week of being stuffed with work and studies. For sure, it must be challenging. For that very reason, we would like to give you the possibility to enjoy your evening and simultaneously stretch up your brains 🧠. Together with us, AEGEE-Mannheim and our beloved friends from AEGEE-Lviv and AEGEE-Chisinau and AEGEE-Budapest.

Every one of us prepared quizzes about their antennas and cities! We will team up based on city affiliation and try to find out who is the smartest folks in the room by having enjoyable competition quiz rounds.

Besides, you should not miss a chance to connect with peers from all around Europe and experience how such quizzes are organized. We do not want to set the expectations high, but we must say, it will be something worthy of being experienced!

Join us via Zoooooooooooooom.

When 🕖︎Wednesday, November 25, 2020 at 19:00 - 21:00 GMT+1

Created on Friday, November 13, 2020 at 14:22:10 GMT+1

Last modified on Monday, November 16, 2020 at 14:27:13 GMT+1

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