Autumn Agora 2020. Social Program. Movie Night: Minimalism🎥

Dear AEGEEans,
We are proud to announce our plan for the Social Program during the Online Agora.
We will watch a documentary together: Minimalism [ ].

The documentary that shows the benefits of "less is more" through the testimonies of psychologists, scientists, architects, businessmen, sociologists, economists, journalists or designers who have decided to join the minimalist movement. All agree that accumulating objects does not lead to happiness and that consumerism is a source of dissatisfaction.
After watching the documentary we will continue with a discussion about the topic.
Climate Emergency of AEGEE-Europe [ ], Mental Health of AEGEE-Europe [ ] and Political Activism of AEGEE-Europe [ ], as the three thematics are quite related to the topic of the documentary.

So you just need to take your popcorns, being comfortable and join the movie night!
See you on Saturday 17th at 20:00 through the Google Meets link [ ] that you can find on the info of this event.

We are looking forward to seeing you there!

When 🕗︎Saturday, October 17, 2020 at 20:00 - 22:00 GMT+2

Created on Thursday, October 08, 2020 at 12:45:32 GMT+2

Last modified on Saturday, October 17, 2020 at 20:44:40 GMT+2

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