Equality: where does it start and where end? |Discussion & Workshop

Event [ https://www.facebook.com/events/309969257155079/ ] hosted by AEGEE-Mannheim [ https://www.facebook.com/aegeema/?fref=tag ]

Workshop & Discussion with AEGEE-Mannheim

We all hear a lot about gender inequality: it's bad, we have to fight against it, we have to be aware...
But what is it actually? What can I put under this definition? How am I supposed to fight it?

Great that you asked because we're going to make a Workshop on the 5th of May exactly on this topic and we invite you to join!

Let's talk about different points of views (popular as well as unpopular), separate sexism and discrimination (is there any difference at all?), let's talk about ways that society uses nowadays to fight against gender inequality (are those efficient? Does it make sense whatsoever?).

Our speakers will provide different interesting pro- and contra- points of view, which are also going to be supported by scientific studies (we're not playing games outta here:)

We're going to discuss gender inequality without any prejudice, propaganda, and speculation.
Let's take a wider sight at this topic, to be able to build our own well-grounded point of view!

Wednesday, 5th of May
via Zoom:

When 🕖︎Wednesday, May 05, 2021 at 19:00 - 20:30 GMT+2

Created on Monday, April 26, 2021 at 20:56:34 GMT+2

Last modified on Monday, April 26, 2021 at 20:56:34 GMT+2

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💾︎iCalendar file https://cal.aegee.org/c/2/5a765801e14851195244f90fa06f1452a529d8873aff7ed31c1d221c8ed6e1c0.ics

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