Jean Monnet and AEGEE
Why History matters in our AEGEE spirit
“The Arsenal of Democracy”
In 2024-29 the European Union will be run by a new Commission and a new European Parliament and a new generation of Europeans will enter the stage. Many of the great achievements of a United Europe are now firmly rooted in everyday life ... the Euro, open borders, mobility, Erasmus etc., multinational families and careers and much more. What we often forget is that all this germinated from a dream of one man and his fellow enthusiastic partners in his generation: Jean Monnet (1888-1979). But not only his project, but also his way of thinking was unique ... so much so, that I would argue, that he would have been an AEGEE member, if it would have existed back then. So, when we explain the foundations of the European unification project in Europe, we always come back to the thoughts of one of Europe’s key founders: Jean Monnet.
While many remember him as “the father of Europe”, few realise that many of his beliefs and convictions grew from his experience in the United States. His thinking is deeply connected with US presidents FD Roosevelt and JF Kennedy. Therefore it might also be interesting to have a look across the Atlantic, to see how the US presidential election will turn out and whether the new US government will still have Europe on its radar.
I want to invite you on a discovery tour through the 20th century and revisit the mental milestones, which are the foundation of peace, prosperity and cooperation in our present-day European Union in general, and AEGEE in particular.
EU, AEGEE and Jean Monnet... Why our history matters
A war, a pandemic and Jean Monnet
by Pavel Černoch, PhD
Jean Monnet Academy of the European Parliament
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Erstellt am Mittwoch, 30. Oktober 2024 um 12:26:50 MEZ
Letzte Änderung am Mittwoch, 30. Oktober 2024 um 12:42:30 MEZ
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