Ecological Pub Quiz

Organised by <div style="display: inline !important;">AEGEE-Madrid [[0]=AZU_S7YJCuaaNgIJoBTZWBmeQP00QlGUTkmciME6uJxgnGrv00f2lMQ_TjGvYSFUWPRQIUqmOka0zjQhfSfOHh_pM_lEw-Q2HHtcWOZI8bUIZrXDtv2RqvbS6mcnQL2hl9tzvK4Z38ApCIvWPwAVF4NR&__tn__=kK-R ] and <div style="display: inline !important;">Climate Emergency of AEGEE-Europe [[0]=AZU_S7YJCuaaNgIJoBTZWBmeQP00QlGUTkmciME6uJxgnGrv00f2lMQ_TjGvYSFUWPRQIUqmOka0zjQhfSfOHh_pM_lEw-Q2HHtcWOZI8bUIZrXDtv2RqvbS6mcnQL2hl9tzvK4Z38ApCIvWPwAVF4NR&__tn__=kK-R ]
Register link [ ]

The Climate Emergency Working Group and AEGEE-Madrid bring to you our first ecological pub quiz!

We are going to meet virtually to see who of you can be crowd for their sustainability wisdom. Get ready and join us for some cool presentations, interesting questions, amazing prizes and great AEGEEans.

At the pub quiz there will be teams playing for the sustainability crown against each other. You can either previously form a team with your mates or we will find a team for you at the event. We are looking forward to seeing you!

Wann 🕘︎Freitag, 13. November 2020 um 21:00 - 23:00 MEZ

Erstellt am Freitag, 13. November 2020 um 23:53:45 MEZ

Letzte Änderung am Freitag, 13. November 2020 um 23:53:45 MEZ

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