Most cities are designed unfriendly towards people with disabilities. In the planning process of public places, needs and social or physical barriers of people with disabilities are not considered, therefore excluding them or making them dependent on the help of others.
The Social Equity Working Group would like to invite you to our second event of the "changeABLE campaign".
In this European Café, we aim to raise awareness about these obstacles and discuss how to make cities more accessible, thereby facilitating a more independent way of living . We want to show that it is not the disability that is the barrier but the environment and society we live in.
What is a Europe Café?
In a Europe Café, the participants have the opportunity to discuss a relevant topic about the present and future of Europe, in a relaxed and informal atmosphere. The speaker(s) will first introduce the selected topic, followed by an engaging debate where anyone participating can share their opinion and discuss certain controversies or recommendations, based on the presentation made or external resources.
Are you interested in discussing how to make cities more accessible for people with disabilities? Do you have any examples from your own city? Then join our Europe Café, on Google Meets [ ].
This event is organised by the Social Equity Working Group as part of the "changeABLE campaign" which focuses on raising awareness about various forms of discrimination based on disability and the existing inequity disabled people experience as a result of stereotypes, attitudes, practices and other systemic challenges in our society.
Wann 🕡︎Dienstag, 07. Dezember 2021 um 18:30 - 19:30 MEZ
🌐︎ Ort
Erstellt am Dienstag, 07. Dezember 2021 um 10:35:11 MEZ
Letzte Änderung am Dienstag, 07. Dezember 2021 um 10:36:02 MEZ
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