The Untapped Potential of AEGEE Alumni: Meet Les Anciens

Meet your potential supporters, mentors and testimonials, the AEGEE Alumni Network called Les Anciens. They launched new offers, formats and activities, many of them for or with AEGEE-Europe: mentoring for AEGEEans, career trainings for graduates, input for AEGEE projects or motivational speeches at Local events. Meet them to find out more.

More information coming here [ ]!

Wann 🕠︎Mittwoch, 02. März 2022 um 17:30 - 19:30 MEZ

Erstellt am Dienstag, 22. Februar 2022 um 08:54:28 MEZ

Letzte Änderung am Dienstag, 22. Februar 2022 um 08:54:28 MEZ

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