European Night Reverse

The European Night is a must for every AEGEE event. During this night you can taste, smell and live different cultures from all over the continent. But how do we explore this beautiful diversity sitting at home? Welcome to the European Night Reverse! Instead of presenting your own culture the participants get to live in another -  exploring by doing, diving into a new culture. But how does it work?

Every local is assigned to a country, see the list in the event. (so everyone can join).


When 🕣︎Saturday, June 06, 2020 at 20:30 - Sunday, June 07 at 24:15 GMT+2

Created on Friday, May 29, 2020 at 14:29:27 GMT+2

Last modified on Saturday, May 30, 2020 at 16:18:20 GMT+2

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