Open Space Technology: An HR Destination

Join the Online Open Space Technology of the Month of HR project!
#What: Online Open Space Technology on the following central HR theme: How to tackle (de)motivation within Locals.
#Where: Online (Platform: → You will receive the link via mail by Friday midday)
#Apply through this form [ ] till this Friday midday (21.01.2022):

What is Open Space Technology?: Open Space Technology is one way to enable all kinds of people, in any kind of organization, to create inspired meetings and events.
At this Open Space Technology event, we will focus on ‘’How to tackle (de)motivation within Locals’’ ✨
So...are you struggling with motivating your members? Are you facing many problems in your way of motivating your members and engaging them in the organisation? Would you like to share best practices and exchange ideas on that topic with other AEGEEans around Europe?
Then join this Open Space Technology event in order to get inspired and work all together on ‘’How to tackle (de)motivation within Locals’’. During this event, you will have to create and manage an agenda of parallel working/discussion topics around the above central HR theme. Do not miss this opportunity to overcome these obstacles all together in a creative way with sharing best practices and creating innovative ideas ✨
At this event, experienced facilitators from AEGEE-Academy will assist you in the Open Space Technology process.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us via

P.S. This event is part of the Month of Human Resources Project, which is organized by AEGEE-Europe, AEGEE-Academy, Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe and Human Resources Committee of AEGEE-Europe.

When 🕚︎Saturday, January 22, 2022 at 11:00 - 13:00 GMT+1

Created on Tuesday, January 18, 2022 at 15:11:41 GMT+1

Last modified on Tuesday, January 18, 2022 at 15:11:41 GMT+1

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