Become a Climate ChangeMaker

Event [ ] hosted by Climate Emergency of AEGEE-Europe [ ] and Europe on Track [ ]

What do you think it is to be active in society? Which are the causes we need to be active regarding Climate Crisis? How can you act accordingly? Do you know the difference between Individual change vs system change?

These and more questions will be asked and discussed in the next activity hold by AEGEE-Erfurt and delivered by the Climate Emergency Working Group in collaboration with Europe on Track project.

We will go through our own experiences, approaches, same as guiding participants through different tools in order to be more active and a changemaker in our society.

See you next Wednesday, 5th of May at 20:00 on Google Meets (Link will be shared on the discussion part of this event before the activity happens).

When 🕗︎Wednesday, May 05, 2021 at 20:00 - 21:00 GMT+2

Created on Wednesday, May 05, 2021 at 21:53:29 GMT+2

Last modified on Wednesday, May 05, 2021 at 21:53:29 GMT+2

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