AEGEE Story-Time

AEGEE has given us a lot, but the most important things are the memories remaining after all the amazing events and projects. AEGEE-Mannheim [ ] and AEGEE-Chișinău [ ] are waiting for you on the 10th of May at 6 PM CET to share some stories and remind ourselves what we like more about this organisation!

The link will be shared a couple of hours before the event. ♥

Link to video call here [ ]!

Wann 🕔︎Sonntag, 10. Mai 2020 um 17:00 - 19:00 MESZ

Erstellt am Samstag, 02. Mai 2020 um 16:13:02 MESZ

Letzte Änderung am Sonntag, 10. Mai 2020 um 13:28:50 MESZ

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Kalender  Quarantine Events