WWW. and its environmental impact

Organised by Climate Emergency Working Group & Rainbow Area
Facebook event [ https://fb.me/e/P8DjW8vQ ]

The Climate Emergency WG 🌱 and Rainbow area🌈 invite you on the 10th April to spend a few hours together to talk about Climate Emergency, to discover how, through a super interesting quiz, each of us can minimise our digital carbon footprint and, last but not least, to have a constructive discussion together to share our ideas and opinions

✨Not only will we discuss existing initiatives and solutions, but we will also give you some small and simple tips to follow to improve your digital habits 📝

Disclaimer: EVERYONE is welcome to join!

Wann 🕟︎Samstag, 10. April 2021 um 16:30 - 18:00 MESZ

Erstellt am Donnerstag, 01. April 2021 um 08:01:56 MESZ

Letzte Änderung am Donnerstag, 01. April 2021 um 08:04:21 MESZ

Verknüpfung zum Kalender https://cal.aegee.org/?d=2021-04-10&id=ca407dec9df2fab809403226ab6bc4a0843a35eeaacc075ab14a57acab0beb31&cal=2

💾︎iCalendar Datei https://cal.aegee.org/c/2/ca407dec9df2fab809403226ab6bc4a0843a35eeaacc075ab14a57acab0beb31.ics

Kalender  Quarantine Events