Digitalisation and Gender Equality Human Library

AEGEE and Plan International would like to invite you to the “Digitalisation and Gender Equality Human Library” event, taking place on October 25th, at 14:00 CEST.

This human library event builds upon the momentum and theme of the International Day of the Girl 2021 – “Digital Generation. Our Generation” – and will highlight the obstacles and challenges that girls and young women face in accessing digital technologies and the negative impact that this has on their lives.

What is a Human Library?
In the event, the speakers(the "books"), who are drivers of change in their communities or, at some point, experienced prejudice, social exclusion or stigma, come to share their life stories with the participants. Everyone present will then be “switching books” during the session in order to hear everyone's story. After hearing the speaker's story, participants will have the possibility to also ask them questions, have a conversation and/or discussion, in order to learn about the other person and also challenge their own prejudices.

This human library event is part of a larger campaign and is an opportunity to raise awareness on the digital gender divide. AEGEE and Plan International launched a Youth Campaign, on International Youth Day August 12th, 2021, in order to ensure that gender equality has a central position on the agenda of the Youth Sounding Board of DG INTPA. Apart from raising awareness, we believe that to build better it is critical that decision-makers listen to the voices and lived experiences of girls and young women.

Join us on October 25th, at 14:00 CEST! In order to participate in the event and learn more about it, please register by using this form:

Wann 🕑︎Montag, 25. Oktober 2021 um 14:00 - 15:00 MESZ

Erstellt am Dienstag, 19. Oktober 2021 um 23:39:16 MESZ

Letzte Änderung am Dienstag, 19. Oktober 2021 um 23:39:16 MESZ

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