How to register on EYF portal and funding opportunity

Organised by Comité Directeur
Google Meet Link [ ]


Do you want to get funding for your local projects?
Do you want to learn new practices and approaches for doing your projects?
Do you want to cooperate with European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe?

In this Open Session we will make an introduction about the European Youth Foundation, the opportunities that you can benefit from and the steps for subscribing to its platform.

Looking forward to meet you

Comité Directeur

Wann 🕖︎Mittwoch, 11. November 2020 um 19:00 - 20:00 MEZ

Erstellt am Samstag, 07. November 2020 um 11:50:40 MEZ

Letzte Änderung am Mittwoch, 11. November 2020 um 20:01:52 MEZ

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Kalender  Quarantine Events