Power to YOUth: engagement in current policies - AEGEE-Mannheim & AEGEE Nijmegen Online WS


Have you heard the news? 🤔 The #ActivismExpress is coming to your city!
It’s been a long time without trips, without trains… but hey, it’s been worth waiting for!
In this stop, you’ll have the chance of learning about activism, specifically, about these topic:
- Power to YOUth: engagement in current policies (Monday 07.06.21 at 19:00 CEST)
These stops are open to anybody! You can attend no matter where you are because they are online! You just need to turn on your laptop at 19:00 CEST on Monday 7th!🗓
Remember, this event is open to everyone, feel free to join and learn more about Youth Activism also if you are not an AEGEE member still. 😊
For more info, do not hesitate to ask 💭  @EUROPE ON TRACK , @AEGEE MANNHEIM, @AEGEE NIJMEGEN
See you aboard? 🚤

FB event  [ https://www.facebook.com/events/2735135496795127/?ref=newsfeed ]

Wann 🕖︎Montag, 07. Juni 2021 um 19:00 - 21:00 MESZ

Erstellt am Dienstag, 01. Juni 2021 um 10:23:14 MESZ

Letzte Änderung am Dienstag, 01. Juni 2021 um 10:23:15 MESZ

Verknüpfung zum Kalender https://cal.aegee.org/?d=2021-06-07&id=ffcd9d15b4b62c13b93db7edb34c8181eb07b97501ec371bc568e1dd53e982a6&cal=2

💾︎iCalendar Datei https://cal.aegee.org/c/2/ffcd9d15b4b62c13b93db7edb34c8181eb07b97501ec371bc568e1dd53e982a6.ics

Kalender  Quarantine Events